
Project preview

Project Overview: Inspired by the movie “The Social Network,” Me and my friend Shravan came up with the idea of creating a social media platform exclusively for the students of our institute, with a unique twist: everything would be anonymous. The main feature of the site would allow users to create posts on various boards (such as confessions, advice, random thoughts, etc.), where others could vote on them (either up or down) and leave comments. If this sounds reminiscent of 4chan and Reddit, you’re absolutely right!

Check it out at https://everynyan.tech
And the source code at https://github.com/ni3rav/everynyan-test

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: Next.js (v14)
  • UI: Shadcn & v0 and Tailwind CSS
  • Database: Firestore (soon to be PostgreSQL)
  • Notifications Service: Go (with BoltDB)
  • Content Moderation Service: Python